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On April 18, Chancellor Holden Thorp sent the following message to the Carolina community.

Dear Carolina Students, Faculty and Staff:

Here in Chapel Hill, our thoughts and prayers are with those across the state who have been affected by Saturday’s tornados. We are identifying any students, faculty and staff directly affected, as well as establishing contact with those communities in North Carolina to find out what they need.

To best determine how we can help, I have asked the North Carolina Institute for Public Health and the Carolina Center for Public Service to coordinate our campus efforts and to serve as centralized source of information. Please check the website for information and share information about relief efforts with the center by e-mailing

One thing we do know is that the situation is being handled by emergency management, and the state has asked that no volunteers visit the affected areas right now, in the immediate aftermath. Given the scope of the disaster, however, certain volunteer efforts will be needed in the near future and for many months to come. Meanwhile, you can donate money to the Red Cross or to our campus Disaster Relief Fund at the Carolina Center for Public Service. The center will also coordinate a food drive for the Food Bank of Eastern North Carolina.

As we know what other relief efforts are underway, we will share that information on the website and through our UNC Facebook page.

Holden Thorp