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Saturday, Feb. 1, 2014 (


We stand united for –


1. Black Americans, both enslaved and free,
who built this university and who were also barred from its doors;


2. Black students who wonderfully enrich our campus — those who are amazing geniuses and those who are academically less prepared;


3. Black athletes who face stereotype, threat, and are targets of ridicule;


4. Black athletes who work hard and smart to achieve victories inside and
outside of the classroom;


5. Black prospective students and parents who thoughtfully and rightfully
express interest in our prestigious university,


6. The Department of African, African American and Diaspora Studies,
which has been unfairly attacked, overly investigated, and whose
legitimacy has been repeatedly questioned;


7. Black faculty whose research, teaching, and service contribute to knowledge
production and social change on our campus and beyond;


8. Black coaches and staff who continue to educate, advise, guide, and inspire
young people;


9. Black alumni who value their degrees, treasure their UNC experience, and
care about the future of this institution; and


10. Courageous administrators, faculty, staff, and students who press on
despite impatience, media inaccuracies, gossip, and public attacks on our institution.


We chose the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We are confident in our varied gifts and contributions to this institution. We are integral to its unique fabric of learning and light. We do not apologize to or back down from those who challenge our students’ worthiness on campus. We reaffirm our commitment to support the presence and contributions of Black students, faculty, staff, and administrators on the UNC campus. We believe in redemption and healing as a unified community.


We ask you to stand with us – today and always.


Carolina Black Caucus (aka Black Faculty and Staff)


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