A free summit at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on Oct. 15 will focus on women’s issues in the state, including health care, education and the economy.
“Ms. Behaving: How N.C. Women Make History” will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Carolina Club on the UNC campus. It is hosted by the Southern Oral History Program (SOHP) in UNC’s Center for the Study of the American South and Women AdvaNCe. Registration is required; please visit http://womenadvancenc.org/women-advance-summit.
The conference will include three panels: “How Do We Ensure Women’s Health?”; “How Do We Protect Public Education?”; and “How Do We Create a Fair Economy for Women?” Each panel will include a presentation about the history of women’s activism in North Carolina or the South, research from feminist scholars and participation from partner organization experts.
Scholars will include Jacquelyn Dowd Hall and Rachel F. Seidman, director emeritus and associate director of SOHP, respectively. “Ms. Behaving” aims to translate academic scholarship for a broad, popular audience. Women AdvaNCe is a nonpartisan institute dedicated to improving the lives of North Carolina’s women and families by providing education and encouraging constructive public dialogue.
Women AdvaNCe contact: Kim-Marie Saccoccio, (919) 526-1754, kim@womenadvancenc.org
Southern Oral History Program contact: Rachel F. Seidman, (919) 962-5931, seidman@email.unc.edu