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The School of Government has announced that Michael Lemanski has been named director of the School’s new Development Finance Initiative.  The initiative was funded with a $1 million grant from Local Government Federal Credit Union and will create opportunities for economically distressed communities in North Carolina by increasing their access to and use of innovative development finance instruments.

The School of Government has announced that Michael Lemanski has been named director of the School’s new Development Finance Initiative.  The initiative was funded with a $1 million grant from Local Government Federal Credit Union and will create opportunities for economically distressed communities in North Carolina by increasing their access to and use of innovative development finance instruments. The School of Government will work intensively with local governments and nonprofit development entities to increase their capacity to take advantage of complicated development finance products and services including tax credit programs, self-financing bonds, secondary market and securitization programs, and others.  The initiative will allow the School to test innovations in the field of development finance in partnership with social entrepreneurs across North Carolina.

“As a private developer, Michael Lemanski employed creative financing tools in order to revitalize distressed properties. The School’s Development Finance Initiative seeks to assist North Carolina local governments and their partners with understanding these complex tools,” says Assistant Professor Tyler Mulligan, whose field of expertise is community and economic development. “We believe that North Carolina communities will benefit from Michael’s experience, so we are pleased that he has agreed to direct this initiative.”

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