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Nancy Raab-Traub, Ph.D., Sarah Graham Kenan Professor of Microbiology and immunology, has been awarded the second Hyman L. Battle Distinguished Cancer Research Award in recognition of her work. The award, established in 2007 by the Battle Foundation of Rocky Mount, recognizes exceptional cancer research at the medical school and comes with a $25,000 prize. The Battle Award fund is a permanent endowment held by The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

Nancy Raab-Traub, Ph.D., Sarah Graham Kenan Professor of Microbiology and immunology, has been awarded the second Hyman L. Battle Distinguished Cancer Research Award in recognition of her work. The award, established in 2007 by the Battle Foundation of Rocky Mount, recognizes exceptional cancer research at the medical school and comes with a $25,000 prize. The Battle Award fund is a permanent endowment held by The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc. For full release

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