Poet, novelist and nonfiction writer Robert Morgan, author of “Gap Creek” and “Boone: A Biography,” will speak at 4 p.m. Oct. 3 in the George Watts Hill Alumni Center on Stadium Drive.
He will discuss how historical fiction is created: by using facts and historical figures as a background within which a fictional story unfolds. The free public talk will center on Morgan’s “Brave Enemies: A Novel of the American Revolution” (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2003).
The talk will constitute one of this fall’s James A. Hutchins lectures presented by the UNC Center for the Study of the American South with support from the General Alumni Association. Morgan will be in Chapel Hill to deliver UNC’s annual Thomas Wolfe Lecture and receive the 2008 Thomas Wolfe Prize at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 2 in Carroll Hall auditorium.
Center for the Study of the American South contact: Nancy Gray Schoonmaker, (919) 962-0503, csasnancy@gmail.com