Wednesday, March 26
12 p.m. Lunch with student leaders, Frank Porter Graham Student Union 3102
2:30 p.m. *University Affairs Committee, Graduate Student Center, 211 A W. Cameron Ave.
3 p.m. *Audit and Finance Committee, Carolina Inn, Chancellor Ballroom East
5 p.m. *Full Board of Trustees meeting convenes, Carolina Inn, Chancellor Ballroom West
Open Session
- Convene meeting
- Roll call
- Report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee
- Recess meeting
6:30 p.m. Dinner with faculty, Hyde Hall
Thursday, March 27
8 a.m. *Full Board of Trustees meeting convenes, Carolina Inn, Chancellor Ballrooms East and West
Open Session
- Reconvene meeting
- Roll call
- Consent agenda
- Approval of January 23-24 minutes
- Ratification of mail ballot dated Feb. 20
- Chairman’s remarks
- Chancellor’s remarks
- Enrollment growth
- Art and Science report
- Paulien report
- Report of the Audit and Finance Committee
- Report of the University Affairs Committee
Closed Session
- *Report of the Audit and Finance Committee
- *Report of the University Affairs Committee
- *Legal advice
Open Session
- Report of the University Affairs Committee
- Adjournment
*Some of the business to be conducted is authorized by the N.C. Open Meetings Law to be conducted in closed session.
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News Services contact: Lisa Katz, (919) 962-2093,