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Wednesday, March 26

12 p.m. Lunch with student leaders, Frank Porter Graham Student Union 3102

2:30 p.m. *University Affairs Committee, Graduate Student Center, 211 A W. Cameron Ave.

3 p.m. *Audit and Finance Committee, Carolina Inn, Chancellor Ballroom East

5 p.m. *Full Board of Trustees meeting convenes, Carolina Inn, Chancellor Ballroom West

Open Session

  1. Convene meeting
  2. Roll call
  3. Report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee
  4. Recess meeting

6:30 p.m. Dinner with faculty, Hyde Hall


Thursday, March 27

8 a.m. *Full Board of Trustees meeting convenes, Carolina Inn, Chancellor Ballrooms East and West

Open Session

  1. Reconvene meeting
  2. Roll call
  3. Consent agenda
    1. Approval of January 23-24 minutes
    2. Ratification of mail ballot dated Feb. 20
  4. Chairman’s remarks
  5. Chancellor’s remarks
  6. Enrollment growth
    1. Art and Science report
    2. Paulien report
  7. Report of the Audit and Finance Committee
  8. Report of the University Affairs Committee

Closed Session

  1. *Report of the Audit and Finance Committee
  2. *Report of the University Affairs Committee
  3. *Legal advice

Open Session

  1. Report of the University Affairs Committee
  2. Adjournment

*Some of the business to be conducted is authorized by the N.C. Open Meetings Law to be conducted in closed session.

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