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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chancellor James Moeser will give his seventh annual State of the University Address Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 3 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Frank Porter Graham Student Union.

Faculty, staff, students and community members are invited to attend. (Attendance is considered work time for staff employees, who are encouraged to seek advance approval from their supervisors.)

James Moeser

James Moeser

The chancellor, who came to the university in 2000, started the tradition of giving such an address a year later.

This year's speech is expected to focus on the University's progress with key priorities and celebrate the accomplishments resulting from one of the most successful years in recent campus history on a variety of fronts including academics, the new state budget, faculty research funding and the Carolina First Campaign. The chancellor also intends to share his views about future challenges such as enrollment growth.

Past State of the University speeches have been occasions for announcements about major initiatives including the Carolina Covenant, which promises a debt-free education to qualified low-income students and was the first program of its kind at a major public U.S. university.

Contact:  Mike McFarland, (919) 962-8593,


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